
Kendra Nix

Hi there! I'm Kendra, your GovCon Business Development Bestie, and the voice behind As a dedicated wife and mom, I've tackled the joys and challenges of family life with the same passion I bring to the world of government contracting. My blog weaves together family, career, and personal growth, sharing my journey of balancing home life with a thriving career in GovCon. Join me as I provide insights and strategies to empower you in the government contracting business while cherishing every moment of being a wife and mother. Let's navigate this path together, combining family life with GovCon success!

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Welcome Back: Embracing Creativity and Sharing New Beginnings

Welcome to my newsletter! I am thrilled to be back, reconnecting with all of you and diving headfirst into the creative world once again. After a year-long maternity leave, I am grateful to introduce my beautiful baby boy, who has brought immense joy and endless inspiration into my life. During this incredible journey, I encountered a whole new world within the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). Witnessing the strength, resilience, and unfathomable love of parents and medical professionals...

Kendra Nix September 24th Don't Miss O...U...T...! ↓ Hello GovCon Besties! The Monetizing Mompreneurs Micro Audio Summit -Moms Get Social is only 1 day away. If you are looking for a way to catapult your business to a new level of profitability, and make life changing connections you don’t want to miss out! Here are a few of the segments on the agenda from our Panelist: ✅Stefanie Gass- Clarify your calling ✅Courtnaye Richard- Elevate your impact 5 day marketing machine challenge ✅Linda...

Kendra Nix GovCon Bestie

Kendra Nix Trust Yourself! ↓ Hello GovCon Besties! Running a business is no walk in the park, but it’s all about faith—in yourself, in your dreams, and in the process. Some days, you might feel like you’re crushing it, and other days…well, let’s just say the coffee can’t brew fast enough! ☕️ But through it all, remember that you’ve got everything you need to make your vision a reality. Think of your journey like a rollercoaster: exciting, a little scary, with plenty of ups...

Kendra Nix September 10th Is 2024 Going to Be Your Year of Success? ↓ Hello GovCon Besties! We are more than halfway through 2024! It has flown by, and this may make you shake your head and begin doubting that you will meet your goals. I am here to tell you that you CAN! You have several months left in the year. A lot can happen in that time, and that is why I am so excited to be a part of the Monetizing Mompreneurs Micro Audio Summit- Moms Get Social! This summit will be happening over the...

Kendra Nix September 3rd Jump on the Year-End GovCon Gravy Train! 🎉 ↓ Hello GovCon Besties! Can you feel the buzz? It’s that magical time of year again when government agencies start their spending frenzy to use up those leftover budgets before the clock strikes midnight on the fiscal year. Here’s your insider guide to making the most of this golden opportunity: 1. Keep Your Eyes Peeled: Solicitations are about to drop like confetti because agencies are in a dash to spend, spend, spend! Stay...

🚀 Keep Your Spirits High & Your Goals in Sight! 🚀 Hey GovCon Bestie! 🌟 Ready to ignite your motivation and turbocharge your journey? Whether you’re drafting a bid or waiting for results, keeping your motivation high is key to conquering the GovCon world. Let’s dive into some electrifying ways to keep that fire burning bright! 5 Quick Motivation Boosters: Set Mini Goals: Break your big goals into bite-sized tasks that are easier to manage and celebrate. Celebrate Small Wins: Every small...

Kendra Nix August 12th Unleashing Your Inner Zootopia: Lessons for Business and Life! ↓ Hello GovCon Besties! As we navigate the bustling world of government contracting, it’s essential to remember that lessons can come from the most unexpected places—even a delightful animated film like Zootopia! This vibrant world, teeming with anthropomorphic animals, isn’t just for kids; it’s packed with insights that can enhance our business acumen and personal growth. Let’s dive into a few key takeaways...

Hey there, I'm here to share a little something about the perks of working with corporate clients and the government – and whether or not you should be on social media. So, buckle up and get ready for a sophisticated yet fun and down-to-earth ride! The Perks of Thriving in Government Contracting: - Stable and reliable income streams: When you work with the government, you can say goodbye to the feast-or-famine cycle that often plagues small businesses. - Predictable and consistent cash flow:...

Hey there, I hope this message finds you well! I wanted to take a moment to connect with you about something we all struggle with—staying focused in our hectic, distraction-filled world. Whether it's the endless notifications on our phones or the constant buzz of daily life, it can be challenging to maintain our focus on what truly matters. But don’t worry, we’re in this together! Here are some personal tips that have helped me, and I hope they can help you too: 1. Set Clear Goals: I find...

Hey there, Can you believe we’re already halfway through 2024? It’s been an incredible journey so far, and I wanted to take a moment to connect with you and celebrate how far we’ve come. Let’s Celebrate Our WinsFirst things first—let’s give ourselves a big pat on the back. Whether you’ve secured a new government contract, made valuable connections, or tackled new challenges, or even just folded laundry after every wash without letting it pile up, every achievement is worth celebrating....

Hey there, Welcome back to your favorite newsletter where we break down boundaries, shatter norms, and embrace the unconventional! This month, we’re diving into the art of thinking outside the box and finding unique pathways to our dreams. 🚀 Why settle for the mundane when you can explore the extraordinary? Thinking outside the box isn't just a catchy phrase; it's a mindset that fuels creativity and drives innovation. Whether you're an artist, entrepreneur, or just someone with a big dream,...